I. CALL TO ORDER: The Regular Meeting of the Weaverville Fire Protection District was called to order by Vice-Chairman George Owen at 1600 hours. Members present: George Owen, Bill Britton, Dee Potter, and Mike Williams. Member absent: Larry Helsley. Others present: Chief Alvord, Bob Simmons, Sleeper Ernie Curran, Probationary FF Ted Pierce, and District Clerk Marjie Watkins.
A. Approve Minutes of Regular Meeting March 6, 2012 -
B. Approve Warrant Lists and Journal Entries – MSC: Britton/Potter to approve the Consent Agenda as presented.
A. Discuss /Approve Old Fire Station leased to the Clampers has a leak in the roof, fiscal impact unknown – Mr. Simmons reported he has no estimate yet; hopefully he will have one by next month. There was discussion regarding how the roof was damaged and pictures were shown. Action Item postponed until the next Regular Meeting.
B. Discuss/Approve Old Fire Station Lease Amendment between Weaverville Fire and E Clampus Vitus – Chief Alvord reported that the contracts were renewed the past few times by minute orders, the last actual contract on file was updated in 1982, this proposed amendment is meant to clean up the paperwork trail. MSC: Potter/Williams authorize Vice-Chairman Owen to sign the Amendment. Amendment was signed by both parties; a copy was given to Mr. Simmons.
C. Discuss/Approve Policy 12-1 Banking Procedures for Districts Direct Deposit/Firefighter reimbursement account – Chief Alvord reported a staff report is included in the board packets. Chief Alvord and Marjie met with Coast Central and went over the process of opening a new account, and also met with Tax Collector Terri McBrayer and Head Auditor Marilyn Horn and discussed the process of direct deposits; changes on their end are being made to clean up the process. MSC: Williams/Britton postpones this and the next action item until the need arises.
D. Discuss/Approve Resolution 12-1, authorizing and establishing a District Direct Deposit/Firefighter reimbursement account – MSC: Williams/Britton action item postponed until the need arises.
E. Discuss/Approve 3 invoices to go to small claims court, 4 letters of demand to be sent – District Clerk reported there are 3 invoices to go to small claims court totaling 5, and 4 letters of demand to be sent. We will have to file and go to small claims court on our own, Mr. Hammer has offered to go over the paperwork prior to filing it and to give Chief Alvord advice prior to attending small claims court. Mr. Williams offered to attend small claims court with Chief Alvord. The option of small claims court vs. a collection company was discussed. MSC: Potter/Britton approved filing 3 additional claims in small claims court, totaling 5.
F. Discuss/Approve FEMA Fire Prevention Grant Application, 5% cost match – Chief Alvord reported this grant may possibly cover part of Mr. McMillan’s salary for hazard reduction and a smoke detector program. Chief Alvord does not anticipate our cost match to be over $5,000, this cost match will have to be put into next years budget. MSC: Williams/Potter authorizes Chief Alvord to apply for this grant and report the progress back to the board.
Title: (District Clerk) – No public comments, entered into closed session at 1636 hours.
V. REPORT FROM CLOSED SESSION: (54957.1) – Entered back into open session at 1642 hours. Chairman Owen reported the board gave Chief Alvord direction to fill the District Clerk vacancy while Marjie is on Leave.
A. Hazardous Reduction Progress Report: Chief Alvord reported: Firestorm is back to work and very busy. 13 new sites, 17 are ready or in progress, 15 are completed. Ponderosa pines are in progress also a large area near Barbara Avenue.
B. Fire Chief/Marshal’s Report: Chief Alvord reported:
Training – Captains Academy is complete, Wildness preparedness drill is in planning, live fire is scheduled in Redding at Shasta College for April 28 an 29th. Chief Alvord and Kathy Ratliff from TCLS took a rehab webinar; Chief Alvord downloaded the power point and will give a presentation at the EMS expo.
Vehicles – Valves on 2112, and air tank on 2111 has been fixed.
Misc – Fire on Masonic Lane Easter morning went well. Chief Alvord, Chief Letton, and Chief Deardorff toured the Trinity and Lewiston Dams with TCSO. Department bingo was a success. Chief Alvord spoke at Rotary on the Department progress. 2 Bendix king radios were received from the Homeland Security grant, 2 positive pressure fans and 2 generators were received from the FEMA grant and are working great.
Sleeper Program Reports – Chief Alvord reported: Sleeper McMillan has been finishing up station #2 is complete, McMillan moved in on March 25th. A pile was burned in the back yard from the tree that was cut down, and the leaves have been mulched. Wooden sign has been re-hung; firewood from the removed tree is at Station #2 if anyone would like it.
Sleeper Curran reported he has been helping the Mechanic with working on the engines, the new fans and generators are here and he will soon be changing the back of the engines to fit the new equipment. WT-32 inspection went well.
C. Committee Reports:
a. Recruitment Committee – None
b. Collections Committee – None
c. Contract Committee – Watershed contract is in progress for prescribed burning in Hayfork, this contract will be on next months agenda for board approval.
d. Tuition Committee – None
e. Budget Committee – None
D. Directors Reports – Mr. Williams thanked everyone who put work in for the Captains Academy. Mr. Britton reported he has been blown away by Chief Alvord’s tremendous efforts put forth for the Captains Academy.
V. CORRESPONDENCE: Letter from LAFCO inviting Special Districts to their budges meeting, they are proposing to pass the same budget as last year. Letter from FEMA stating why we were denied for the engine grant, we need to state in our next grant that we will remove the replaced engine from service if awarded that grant.
VII. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 1705 hours.
Approved: May 1, 2012
______________________________ _____________________________
Vice-Chairman, George Owen Marjie Watkins, Clerk